the fruit for every smile™
sweet with a bright & zesty bite
About Happi Pear®
Hi there! We’re so glad you are here. Meet Happi Pear®. Happi Pear® is all about offering you a different fruit experience with its unexpected bite. It is sweet in flavor, optimistic in nature and the fruit for every smile™.
Happi Pear® comes from pear orchards in Washington State. They are grown in nutrient-rich soils that are fed only the best ingredients to create a sweet pear with a bright and zesty bite. With multiple days of sunshine and experienced growers helping Happi Pears® thrive, it’s no wonder it brings a smile to anyone’s day.
Happi Pear® comes from pear orchards in Washington State and Ontario, Canada. They are grown in nutrient-rich soils that are fed only the best ingredients to create a sweet pear with a bright and zesty bite. With multiple days of sunshine and experienced growers helping Happi Pears® thrive, it’s no wonder it brings a smile to anyone’s day.
When is Happi Pear® ready to eat?
You can eat a Happi Pear® when it is green or yellow – it’s up to you! A green Happi Pear® will be crisp and juicy, while a yellow Happi Pear® will be softer and very juicy. Before enjoying, be sure to remove the sticker and wash the fruit.
How to Store Happi Pear®
Happi Pear® will remain fresh (and happy) longer if kept in the refrigerator. If you are waiting for the pear to turn from green to a cheery yellow, keep the fruit at room temperature (countertop).
before you go, remember:
find happiness even in life’s simplest moments.